Where and how do I set certificates and qualification info ?

For managing the employees’ information and document renewal notifications.


Feature description

To use this feature, please contact our Support Center to enable it.


If the License/Certificate setting is enabled, settings related to the certificates will be displayed and available for use.

  • Certificate related setting
    Employee certificates (Adjust in Employee setting or Employee data import.
    certificate reminder function.


There are various certificates such as Visa, Work permits, and License, and some certificates have different validity periods depending on the type. It would be better for the administrator to adjust settings individually.


License/Certificate setting

Menu screen

Administrator > Settings > Others > License/Certificate setting



After selecting the License/Certificate setting, the existing license/certificate will be displayed on the screen.
If you see nothing please select “Create new” to register new license/certificate.


The registered license/certificate details and buttons for accessing the data operation.

  • Registration details: License/Certificate code, License/Certificate name, Valid period, Number of days of warning
  • New registration = Create new → Registration screen
  • Edit → Registration screen
  • Delete → Deletion confirmation screen
  • Select employee → Employee selection screen
    • Employee selection list → Employee selection confirmation screen



E.g. The screen when creating new or editing license/certificate.

  • License/Certificate code: license/certificate identification code
  • License/Certificate name: license/certificate name and type
  • Valid period: The number of validity period and type of validity is yearly, monthly, or daily
  • Number of days of warning: To warn the remaining day before the expired date.



Delete license/certificate screen

After clicking the delete button, the deletion confirmation screen will appear and you will be asked to confirm the license/certificate data before deleting. When entitlement data is deleted, the employee’s entitlement information and notification settings data also be deleted.



Employee selection screen

Since the license/certificate type is created, the Administrator has to assign it to the employee by clicking the “Select employee” button.
You have to assign the license/certificate to an employee by checking the checkbox of the target employee and registering.



After managing the employees’ license/certificate, it is possible to register the issue date on an individual employee basis.

  • Register by each employee
  • Import data for multiple employees at one time (batch import)

Important alert

  • One employee can register multiple license/certificate.
  • If you remove the checkbox and register, the relevant employees’ license/certificate issue date will also be deleted.

Since the large company has a large number of employees, it might be difficult to check the registration information. Then the screen will display the "●" mark in each type column, which means that they already registered the relevant license/certificate.


Administrator > Settings > Others > License/Certificate setting > Employee selection list



License/Certificate issued date registration

Register by each employee
Administrator > Settings > Employee > Employee settings > Select target > License/Certificate info


if the employees’ license/certificate are registered, the date of issue of the registered license/certificate can be set.

  • Item name: License/Certificate name
  • Issued date: Validity start date of the license/certificate
  • The Valid period is also displayed (viewing only)
    • After entering the issued date, the display will calculate the expiration date automatically (*up to YYYY/MM/DD)

Important alert

If License/Certificate setting or employee license/certificate registration are deleted, the data on the issue date of the target license/certificate will also be deleted.



Import data for multiple employees at one time (batch import)

For the employees’ import function, you must add the field in the layout template before inputting the license/certificate issue date so that the employees’ license/certificate can be imported.

  • License/Certificate name: Issued date (YYYY/MM/DD)

Important alert

An error will occur if the target employee's license/certificates are not registered when importing.





License/Certificate expiry warning screen

The screen for settings configuration is the same process as the error settings screen.
Added license/certificate revocation tab on the error settings screen.

  • A reminder will be issued if the set reminder date is reached from the end date of the eligibility expiration date.
  • Display items: License/Certificate name, Valid period, Issued date, Effective period, and Remaining days.
  • Click the edit button to go to the employee settings screen

If there is a license/certificate reminder, display the reminder in the process that requires action on the attention box on the administrators’ screen, and it is linked to the License/Certificate expiry warning screen.




Reminder settings
Administrator > Others > Notice settings > Eligibility Notice


Add the eligibility notification tab on the notification settings screen.
Displays showed when the company master > certificate addition function is "used".
On the certificates notification screen, the notification setting item is a list of registered certificates.

  • Item name: certificate name
  • Notification timing: 3 notification timings can be set

You can also set notification targets like other notification functions.

If the number of days remaining from the expiration date of the certificate reaches the notification timing, an email notification will be sent to the administrator and employee.
*Email template cannot be changed





Employee notification email template.



Administrator notification email template.


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