You can calculate working hours on holidays (as listed below) on the same basis as on weekdays.
- Fixed holiday hours
- Extra Hours on Holiday
- Time-off overtime (Holiday overtime)
- Fixed late-night hours on holiday
- Extra late-night hours on holiday
- Time-off late night overtime (Holiday late night overtime)
Also in a variable work setting, working hours on holidays that exceeded the standard hours are counted as follows.
Overtime under variable working hours on statutory holidays
Late night overtime under variable working hours on non-statutory holidays
Late night overtime under variable working hours on statutory holidays
Overtime under variable working hours on non-statutory holidays
You can also hide items such as “Extra Hours on Holiday” and “Time-off overtime” items. To disable this feature, it requires an internal configuration at the Support Center. Please contact our support center to disable the "Holiday Overtime” feature.
Method of calculation
Time-off overtime (Holiday overtime) feature enabled
- Fixed holiday hours ( = Statutory holiday fixed hours + Non-statutory holiday fixed hours )
- Extra Hours on Holiday ( = Statutory holiday extra hours + Non-statutory holiday extra Hours )
- Time-off (Holiday) overtime ( = Statutory holiday overtime + Non-statutory holiday overtime)
- Holiday late night hours (indicated as “Time-off late night”) (= Fixed Late-night hours on statutory holiday + Extra Late-night Hours on statutory holiday + Fixed late night hours on Non-statutory holiday + Late night extra hours on non-statutory holiday)
- Time-off (Holiday) late night overtime ( = Statutory holiday late night overtime + Non-statutory holiday late night overtime)
* Late night hours are tallied according to the "Late night work" setting in the Employee type settings.
* Overtime is tallied according to the "Overtime start time" setting in the Employee type settings.
* Late night overtime hours are tallied according to the "Late night work" and "Overtime start time" settings.
Variable work
Settings > Option > Attendance Management Settings > Variable Working Hours Setting Feature > Apply
- Overtime under variable working hours on statutory holidays
- Late night overtime under variable working hours on statutory holidays
- Overtime under variable working hours on non-statutory holidays
* Overtime hours are counted according to the setting of "Standard hours for modified work" in the employment classification settings.
* Late night hours are tallied according to the "Late night work” and “Standard time” of the variable working hours settings in the Employee type settings.
"Time-off overtime (Holiday overtime) feature disabled
- Fixed holiday hours ( = Statutory holiday fixed hours + Non-statutory holiday fixed hours )
- Holiday late night hours (indicated as “Time-off late night”) ( = Late night hours on statutory holiday + Late night hours on non-statutory holiday )
* Late night hours are tallied according to the "Late night work" setting in the Employee type settings.
* If you are not using the time off (holiday) overtime feature, the Late night overtime item is hidden.
* If you are not using the time off (holiday) overtime feature, statutory and non-statutory holiday items are hidden from the variable work setting.
In case the Overtime limit feature is enabled, overtime on holidays and late night overtime on holidays are also subject to request/approval.