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What is "yearly data"?

This screen displays aggregated data such as the number of work days, leave taken, and working hours for specified multiple months.


* The number of days left on vacation cannot be displayed in the yearly data.

* The range of months in the yearly data is based on the "closing date" for each employment category, not the "calendar day". For example, if it is closed on the 15th, the aggregate of attendance data for the period from the 16th of each month to the 15th of the following month is displayed.


Screen description



(1) Designation of display conditions

Specify the division, employee type, and display period (up to 12 months).

Click the [Select] button for item selection to display the attendance item selection screen . Check the items you want to display. The Custom tab allows you to select items created in Custom Data Item Settings.



(2) Yearly data

Displays the aggregated value for the period specified in "Specify display conditions".

Click the [Excel Output] button at the top of the frame to download the yearly data screen in Excel format.


If the aggregated value that should be displayed is blank or insufficient

Since the yearly data is displayed based on the display history of "Monthly data", the aggregated value of the month for which the monthly data has never been displayed is not displayed.


Example: Monthly data for Attendance in October and November is displayed, but other months are not displayed.


In this case, aggregated values ​​other than October and November will not be displayed. Please display the monthly data before displaying the yearly data.


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