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Is it possible to apply and approve supplemental items?

Yes this is possible.


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How to apply

1. Application from PC

1: On the employee screen , click the application [ Ξ ] button on the day you want to submit a supplemental item application, and select [ Suppl. item request ] from the drop-down menu .



2: In the edit supplemental working record field, select the supplemental item you want to apply, enter the start time, end time, request message, and click the [ Suppl. items request ] button.



This completes the application for supplemental work items.


2. Application from mobile phone/smartphone

1: Log in to the employee screen using your mobile phone or smartphone and go to [ Request for each type ]> [ Suppl.item request ].


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2: After selecting the target date and time and selecting [ New application ], the [Suppl.item request screen] will appear . Enter the required items and click the [ Apply ] button.


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This completes the application for supplemental items from mobile phones and smartphones.

Display in work order (daily schedule setting)


Approval method

1: When an employee makes an application for a supplemental item , the " suppl. item application " notification will be displayed in " Attention" menu.



2: When you click the notification, the screen will transition to the "Requests awaiting my approval " screen, so click the [Approve] button of the suppl.item application to approve from " Suppl.item application ".



The approval process is now complete.

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