After changing my divisions/departments, can I schedule a help work for other divisions/departments in advance?

Yes, if you are a master administrator.


If the general administrator does it, the master administrator can specify "attendance" for each work day in advance.


Below, we explain the procedure for specifying the attendance division by the master admin.


Setting up

1. Open the schedule management screen from the "Schedule management" icon on the management screen home or All menu> Schedule management .


2. In the display condition specification area, select the division of the target person before transfer and click the [Display] button. Click the [Register Schedule] button that appears in the display area to display the schedule registration screen for the selected organization.


3. Click "Detailed item settings" in "Copy source schedule".



4. There is an item called "clock in division". Here, select the division of the transfer destination and check the working days after the transfer date.


5. Check all work days that need to be scheduled in advance and confirm with the [Save] button .


By the above work, the general administrator of the transfer destination can register the schedule. At the same time, it is also possible to use patterns that can only be used by the transfer destination organization.


When setting up a schedule for help work for other divisions

When setting up a work schedule for other division, specify the help destination in “Division” and register.


The registration procedure is almost the same as above. In step 3, select the help destination division in "Clock in division" of the copy source schedule "Detailed item settings", check the cell where the target person's row and help work day intersect, and click the [Save] button to complete. ..


After the above work, if you change the display condition to help destination division and redisplay it, the line of help employee is added. This will allow the help recipient administrator to schedule a help employee. It also enables the use of scheduling patterns that are restricted to help destinations.


Required internal settings
If you cannot make a schedule with this procedure, the internal setting "Help attendance display" may be hidden. Please use the inquiry form to let us know that you would like to change the "help attendance display" to "display".
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