Is it possible to export the summary data of supplemental items?

It is possible. There is a method to output only the supplemental item settings and a method to export together with other attendance data.


Export method


Export only supplemental items

1. Frequently used menu> Export/Import> Click “Supplementary item [CSV]”



2. Select the output contents and click [Data output] at the bottom of the screen.



(1) Select the export condition

Select the export target year and month. If you click [Specify date], you can specify any range within 3 months.


(2) Select export method

You can select daily or total output (monthly).


(3) Select export target

You can select which input unit of supplemental items to export.


When "Time unit" is selected, the time display format of the output data can be selected as shown below.



(4) Select export target

You can select the employees to output by division/employee type.


3. Transit to "Supplemental item output confirmation" screen. If you want to select employees individually, you can select from [Employee Selection]. If there is no mistake in the output data, click [Data Output].



Please check it as it is output as CSV data.

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Export with other attendance data

If you want to output together with other attendance data, you need to create a "custom data item".


1. Settings > Display > [Custom Data Item Settings] > Click "New" on the "Daily" screen to export daily total, and the "Monthly" screen to export monthly total.



2. Set the custom display code, custom display name, and unit of calculation. For the calculation unit, select "hour" if the input unit of the supplemental item is "hours unit", and select "number" if it is "numerical value" or "dropdown".



3. Check the “+” of the supplemental item you want to export and register.   


-Create one custom item for each supplemental item.
-The maximum number of custom items that can be created is 20 for each day/month.


4. Management screen Home > Frequently used menu > Export/import > Click "Monthly data [CSV]" or "Daily data [CSV]" or "Time card [PDF]" "Create output layout".


5. Enter the "output layout name" and select the attendance data you want to output from the "Selectable items" of "Display items" and the custom item created in "3.".



After selecting, register.


6. Export Import> “Monthly data [CSV]” or “Daily data [CSV]” or “Time card [PDF]”> Output the data using the created output layout.

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