What is employee type settings?

What is "employee type settings"?

Create employee types such as "regular employee" and "part-time job" and make detailed settings for different type



From Settings> Employees> Employee type settings


[Create new]

Create a new employee type



Edit the created employee type. Even if you change the contents related to the work summary of the employee type the past data will not be recalculated as it is. To reflect the changed contents in the past work data, recalculate attendance data .



Delete the employee type. If there is an employee in that employee type, you cannot delete it.


[Display order setting]

Employee type are usually displayed in ascending order of "Employee type code", but you can also set the display order from this button.


There is no limit to the number of employee types.


Create new screen

Click [Create new] or [Edit] to open the registration screen. After entering the information, click the [Save] button to save the settings.



Setting items (table of contents)

In the upper right corner of the categorydiscription.jpgClick the button to expand the detailed items.
* In the third column of the table below, "Basic" and "Details" indicate which item is displayed.


Basic information

Enter the basic information for the employee type settings.

Item name Description display
Employee type code Register the code that identifies the employment classification. Please enter within 10 characters. Duplicate codes cannot be registered.
* All menus > Export / Import > Data entry > Required when registering employees by CSV import.
Employee type name Create the name of the employee type. Please enter within 20 characters. Basic
Closing date Set the deadline for attendance. You can select from 1st to the end of the month. For example, if you select "15th", the time card will be displayed from 16th to the 15th of the following month. Basic
Daily contract work hours

This value is used as follows:

  • "Discretionary time when taking a vacation"
    * Displayed when using the vacation acquisition method "Use pattern".
    When "Calculate the contracted working hours of the day "set for each employee as the discretionary working hours" is selected in the discretionary working hours on the all-day leave pattern setting screen, the discretionary working hours set will be used.

  • "Reference time for one day of time vacation"
    When the time taken for the time off reaches this set time, it is counted as one day taken.
Discretionary Overtime of the Month If you have introduced a monthly overtime system, set the number of deemed overtime hours. Using the "Custom data item setting" function, you can calculate the overtime hours-monthly overtime hours. Details
Wk. closing date Set the day that will be the closing day of the week. For example, if you select "Saturday", when displaying by week, it will be displayed in the range from Sunday to Saturday. Details
Display language Set the display language of the employee screen (time card) and My recorder. You can select from the following.
  • Japanese
  • English
  • Follow browser settings (Accept-Language): Depends on the language setting of the browser used.
  • Follow option settings: Settings> Others> Depends on display language set in options.

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It is a setting item related to work styles such as variable working labor.

Item name Description

You can choose between regular work and modified work system.

  • Regular working hours system
  • Variable working hours system

If you select "Variable working hours system", the following three options will be displayed.

  • Monthly modified work: Monthly modified work and related aggregation settings (midnight working hours, late night overtime allocation type, overtime start time, weekly legal working hours, overtime / overtime calculation of discretionary vacation hours Included in, weekly modified work) is automatically set with the recommended contents.

  • 1-year variable work: 1-year variable work and related aggregation settings (midnight working hours, late-night overtime allocation type, overtime start time, weekly legal working hours, overtime / overtime calculation of discretionary vacation hours Included in, weekly modified work) is automatically set with the recommended contents.

  • Manual setting (Flex and others): Any modified labor setting can be made. Select this if you want to set multi-month flex.

* The three options when selecting the variable labor system are displayed only when the following environment settings are made. If you would like to change the settings, please contact the support center.

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Break related

This is a setting item related to the aggregation of breaks.  

Item name Description display
Time record for break A time record break is a break time calculated by an employee's time record. When this item is set to "Not Allowed", it is controlled so that it is not possible to perform start break and end break Basic
Break (hrs)
You can set to automatically get a break according to the length of working hours. For example, if you have to give a 45-minute break when you work more than 6 hours, you can set a break of 45 minutes per 361 minutes of work so that the break is automatically calculated. Click the [Add break] button to add a break setting item. Basic
Priority of Employee type break to subtract from

Set which time item to subtract the automatic break set in the above-mentioned "Break time 1 to 3" from. This setting is also applied to the "scheduled break time" of the schedule. Details
Break time
There are three ways to get a break,

A Time record break ... Employees record break
B Schedule break …Set by schedule.
C Automatic breaks …Set in “Break time 1 to 3” in the employee type settings.

Set the priority when these breaks occur at the same time.
  • Automatic deduction(default): Compare C that is a combination of A and B above, and select the greater one. ..
  • Prioritize time-record break: If there is a break, only the time of the break will be calculated and the others will be ignored.
  • Sum up each break type: Add the combination of A and B above and C.

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Night work

Settings regarding late-night work. 

Item name Description display
Late-night work hours Working hours generated during this time will be separately accounted for as "Fixed Late-night", "Late-night Extra Hours", "Late night Overtime", or "Fixed Late-night Holiday ", "Extra hours Late-night Holiday, and "Late night Holiday Overtime". The input format is "hh:mm" or "hhmm". Please enter in half-width characters. Basic
Extra late-night work hours classification
Set the method for overtime work hours that occur in the middle of the night. Select either late-night hours or extra late-night hours. Details

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Calculate day's overtime work

Settings related to overtime.  

Item name Description display
Overtime start time If the working hours of a day exceed the time set here, it will be counted as overtime hours.

Check the check box and then enter the overtime start time. If you want to work overtime when the schedule is exceeded, select the check box in the lower row.
Basic overtime limit * Displayed when using the overtime limit function.
Set whether to record overtime hours unconditionally or display with application approval. This setting does not apply to overtime worked that is accounted for by modified work.
Overtime (cumulative) time for early-in
When you go to work earlier than the scheduled time, set whether to work overtime after "overtime start time" from the time of time record, or overtime after "overtime start time" from scheduled work time. Details
Overtime (cumulative) time when late-in
When you are late, set whether to work overtime after "overtime start time" exceeds from the time of clock-in, or overtime after "overtime start time" exceeds scheduled work time. Details
Extra Hours Work start time
This system calculates non-scheduled working hours that do not correspond to overtime/late-night as "extra hours(overtime hours)".

However, by setting this item, extra hours hours will be counted even if the schedule is not registered. If you can register the daily schedule, this setting is not necessary.
Extra Hours Work allocation type:
Set the handling method when extra hours occur.
If you do not want to count it as extra hours as it is, you can set either “Fixed” or “Overtime”.

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Weekly Overtime Total

This item relates to overtime hours for the week.  

Item name Description
Weekly Total [ Weekly legal working hours If the working hours for a week exceed the hours set here, they will be counted as overtime hours.

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Monthly overtime work summary 

This category is displayed when the "Variable Working Hours" or "additional overtime counting function" is used .

Item name Description
Overtime under variable working hours * Displayed when using the variable working hours function.
Make settings for the " Variable working hours system " that calculates overtime on a weekly or monthly basis. Click the [Set] button to move to the detailed registration screen.
Overtime * Displayed when using the premium overtime function.
If the monthly total of overtime hours exceeds the set value, it is included in the " overtime hours ".

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It is a setting item related to the schedule. 

Item name Description display
Days to apply Auto schedule
Set the number of days that the schedule registered in the automatic schedule settings is automatically registered. Basic
Handling of work before clock-in schedule
Set whether to count up before the scheduled work time. Basic
Handling of work time after Clock-out schedule
Set whether to count after the scheduled time of work. If you want to record overtime, select "Treat as attendance". Basic
Discretionary-rounding of
clock-ins before scheduled time
Time record up to ◯ minutes before scheduled work time can be treated as the same time as scheduled work time. You can specify up to 30 minutes.
For example, if it is set to 10 minutes ago, if the scheduled work time is 9:00, the attendance stamp from 8:50 to 9:00 will be regarded as being recorded at 9:00 and the attendance will be calculated.
This deemed rounding is performed only when calculating attendance, and the time record of attendance is recorded as is.
Discretionary rounding of
Clock-outs after scheduled time
It is possible to handle the time record until ◯ minutes before the scheduled clock-out time as the same as the scheduled clock-out time. You can specify up to 30 minutes.
For example, if it is set to 10 minutes later, if the scheduled departure time is 18:00, the attendance record from 18:00 to 18:10 will be regarded as being recorded at 18:00 and the attendance will be calculated.
This deemed rounding is performed only when calculating attendance, and the time record of attendance is recorded as is.
Handling of clock-ins
coinciding with scheduled time
When you are late for work at the same scheduled time
Select "Treat as time record".
*Please note that if you "treat as late-in time record", the time record that was treated as the scheduled time will be late if you choose "Rounding round attendance before scheduled time".

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Attendance (visit)

This category is displayed when the "Edit aggregate function " is used. (This is a function that aggregates the working hours in each department when working in multiple departments per day)

*In order to use the "Mobile Attendance Function", internal settings by the support center are required.  

Item name Description display
About off-site
When the division recorded with the start of clock-in and the division recorded with the clock-out are different, set which of the division outside hours and count it as the working hours. Basic
Calculation method for attendance (visit) total hours
Set the calculation method for the total value of the working hours per day when you are out and about.
  • Accumulate by mobile attendance : The subtotals for each mobile attendance are added to calculate the total attendance time (a mobile attendance schedule is required to account for late-in/early-out).
  • Calculate the attendance time independently: Calculate the attendance time as a total value.
Standard entry format for work edit
* Displayed when using the edit aggregation schedule function.
Set the display of the schedule edit column on the work data edit screen.
  • Regular attendance schedule (default): When you open the work data edit screen, the normal schedule edit fields are displayed.
  • Mobile time schedule: The "Mobile time schedule" field will be displayed.

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Leave related

This is a setting item regarding leave. 

Item name Description display
Paid leave * Displayed when using the paid leave grant function.
Set the timing of paid holidays and the number of days of paid holidays.

Click the [Paid leave-related settings] button to move to the paid leave-related settings screen.

Click here for details.
unit for vacation (by hour)
*Displayed when you are permitting to take hourly leave.
Time Set how many hours you want to get leave
The minimum unit is 1 hour.
Addition to Fixed time when obtaining half-day or hourly leave

Set whether to treat the time corresponding to the vacation as a predetermined time when you get a half-day leave or hourly leave. The vacation category checked is treated as fixed time when a half-day leave/time leave is taken. Details
Discretionary vacation time's overtime calculation
* Depending on the internal settings, the item name may be displayed as "Excluded overtime / overtime calculation". When calculating overtime hours, set the handling of deemed vacation hours added to the specified hours.
  • Do Not Include : Overtime calculation is performed without including the extra leave hours.
  • Include (do not add to overtime hours): Overtime calculation will be performed including the added vacation deduction time. However, vacation-deemed hours that exceed the "overtime start time" will not be included in the overtime hours.
  • Include (accumulate to overtime hours): Overtime calculation is performed in the time including the added leave deemed  hours. Any time-off deemed to exceed the "overtime start time" will be included in the overtime hours.
Increase/Decrease of Medical leave leaves when Working days on holiday is taken
Set whether to give subsidized leave by working on holidays.
You can set common settings in Settings> Schedule> [Leave type settings], but if you want to change the behavior for each employee type settings, set this item.
Setting the time without vacation * Displayed when the vacation acquisition method "vacation classification method" is used. Set whether to calculate the vacation deemed time. You can make common settings in Settings> Schedule> [Vacation Category Settings], but if you want to change the operation for each employment category, set in this item. Details

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Advanced features

You can make more advanced settings related to time management and aggregation. "Rounding" settings for clock-in and counting are included in the advanced features. Click the category name to expand the setting item.  

Item name Description
Time-record edit by employee
Time record edit

If you allow this setting, each employee will be able to edit the time record directly from their time card screen. If you want to make stamp corrections by approving the application, please specify "Do not allow".
* Even if it is set to "Allow", it does not support stamp editing from smartphones and mobile phones.

Detect Attendance data error at Discretionary work:
In this system, an error will occur if duplicate time record  exists on the day when the "deemed work pattern"  assigned.
If you select "Don't detect attendance data error" in this item, you can leave the time record without making an error even in the above cases (the time record  at this time does not affect the time evaluation). ..
Time-card custom
Output format
You can export a PDF timecard from the [Timecard output] item in All menus> Daily data> Timecard, but you can change this layout for each employee type
Rounding unit of Time record

Set the rounding for the time stamp of attendance and departure. Attendance stamps will be rounded up, and departure stamps will be rounded down.

* This setting rounds the total result, but the recorded time stamp is displayed as it is.

Time-record round off condition time When the above-mentioned “rounding unit for clock-in/out time record” is set.
Set the base time for rounding.
  • Always set to 0 minutes (recommended): Round all records based on 0 minutes. If the rounding unit is 15 minutes, it will be treated as 0 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 45 minutes.
  • Attendance attendance change according to the scheduled attendance time : The first attendance record is rounded based on the time (minutes) set as the scheduled attendance time. If the scheduled work time is 09:10 and the rounding unit is 15 minutes, it will be treated as 10, 25, 40, or 55 minutes. The last min of clock-out  is rounded off based on the time (minutes) set as the scheduled clock-out. If the scheduled clock-in time is 17:50 and the rounding unit is 15 minutes, it will be treated as 50 minutes, 05 minutes, 20 minutes, or 35 minutes.
  • Change all ticks according to the scheduled work time: Round all stamps based on the time (minutes) set as the scheduled work time.
Rounding unit for monthly data Rounding is set for the aggregated value for one month.

For example, if you set 30 minutes, for example 170 hours 25 minutes working time will be treated as 170 hours 0 minutes. When checked, it will be rounded up and will be treated for 170 hours and 30 minutes.

When "Toku 60" is set, it is rounded down when the fractional value is 1 to 29 minutes, and rounded up to 1 hour when it is 30 to 59 minutes. The check after the unit is not relevant for this unit.
Daily data round unit Set the rounding for the aggregated value of days.
Please use it when you make detailed settings such as rounding up the fraction resulting from getting a break by clock-in.
Daily data lower validity limit:
Set the minimum amount  when displaying the aggregated value.
Aggregated results smaller than the number entered here will not be displayed.
Apply round off/minimum (hrs) limit Set whether to apply rounding not only to the aggregation result but also to the schedule time when the following two conditions are met.
  • "Overtime start time" is set to handle overtime work hours as overtime.
  • Rounding is set in "Rounding unit of daily data".
Break start/end round off unit

Rounding is set for the start break and end break schedules.

The break start time will be rounded down, and the break end will be rounded up.

Example) When rounding is set to 15 minutes
・Start of break at 12:14 → Treat as start of break at 12:00
・End of break at 12:46 → Treated as end of break at 13:00
・12:00 (break start) to 12:45 (break end)
→ 12:00 (break start)-13:00 (break end)
*Please note that this is not a rounding unit for the aggregation item "rest time" (for example, it is not a setting that rounds a 50-minute aggregated break to 45 minutes).

Round off timing for time-record break time:
When rounding the break time in "Rounding unit of daily data",
Set when to round the rest time.
  • Perform rounding before time calculation: Round the break time first to a value and then calculate time.
  • Rounding after time calculation: The break time is calculated by actual value, and the break time is rounded and displayed.

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