Is it possible to round up the remaining number of leaves by the end of the fiscal year?

With the revision of Article 39 of the Labor Standards Act , it is possible to give annual paid leave in units of hours up to 5 days per year (enforced from April 1, 2010).


How to handle hourly leave less than one day as of the end of the fiscal year can be separately determined by the labor-management agreement and working rules.



  • The remaining hourly leave will be carried over to the next year.
  • The remaining hourly leave is rounded up to the next day and carried over to the next year.


Corresponding to this system, this system can round up the number of remaining holidays per hour at the end of the fiscal year in units of 0.5 days or 1 day.


*In order to use, internal settings in the support center are required. Please contact the support center to indicate that you would like to use the "function for handling remaining effective time at the end of the fiscal year."



Please check the following items after adding the function in the support center.


Settings " Schedule "> Leave type settings > [Edit] of target vacation> Hourly vacation : Handling of remaining effective time at the end of the year


You can choose from the following three settings as options.

  • Carry forward
    The remaining time will be carried forward as it is without carrying it forward.

  • Carry forward every 0.5 days
    Depending on the number of remaining hours, it will be carried forward in 0.5 day units and carried over to the next year. For example, if the contracted working time per day is 8 hours, the calculation will be as follows.

    1 to 4 hours ⇒ Advance to 0.5 days
    5 to 8 hours ⇒ Advance to 1.0 days

  • Carry forward every 1 days
    The remaining time is moved up to one day and carried over to the next year. For example, if the contracted working time per day is 8 hours, the calculation will be as follows.

    1 to 8 hours ⇒ Advance to 1.0 days



Please note that leaves set below are not eligible.

  • Leaves are set as follows.

    Settings " Schedule> > Leave type settings> [Edit] of target leave >Add holiday allowance: "Granting a schedule by giving a drawing schedule"

  • Substitute holidays set as follows.

    Settings " Schedule> > Leave type setting > [ leave ]   Or
    Employee> > Employee type setting > Target category [Edit]> Leave-related [Details]
    Increase/decrease in the number of holidays when working on holidays: "Increase by going to work on holidays"

  • Leave type specified in the "Alternative vacation function" that you requested to use in the support center.
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