Is it possible to automatically switch the time recorder attendance mode depending on the time of day? (Windows desktop version time recorder)

Yes this is possible.


Management screen settings > Organization > Time recorder settings > You can set the time to switch between attendance and attendance mode by selecting [Edit]> View setting " Auto mode switch" in the basic time division settings or the time recorder settings for each division.


Be sure to set the "Auto switch time for clock-in button" and "Auto switch time for clock-out button" as a set.  


It can be set only when the button operation for clock in/ clock out is set to "Mode operation" in " Time record button settings [Edit]".


This feature automatically switches between attendance modes, reducing employee switching activity.


 For example:

  • Automatic clock in button switching time 05:00
  • Automatic clock out button switching 13:00


The work mode is automatically switched from 05:00 to 12:59, and the work mode is automatically switched from 13:00 to 04:59.


If you perform other types of time record or other operations on the way, the mode will automatically return to the set mode one minute after the last screen transition (it will not switch when the setting menu is displayed on the application). ..

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