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How do you set typical general administrator privileges?

This section explains how to set typical general administrator privileges.


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About the setting menu

Use the following menu to set general administrator privileges. Please note that some items require a combination of multiple items.


Settings > Admin > Admin Settings > Target User [Edit] >

  • Basic Privilege Category
  • Division Management Rights Category
  • Employee Type Management Authorization Category



See here for instructions on how to create a secondary
administrator account .


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Operations related to time record data

operate Basic Privilege Category Division/Employee type authorization category
Edit time record Disable "Actual result/Time record" authority → ◯View/Edit
View time record data Disable "Actual result/Time record" authority → △ More than view only
Approve time record request Not required ( Register as an approver in the application approval flow settings )

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Operations related to schedule

operate Basic Privilege Category Division/Employee type authorization category
Registering/changing schedules Disable "Schedule Management" permission → ◯View/Edit
Approve a schedule request Not required ( Register as an approver in the application approval flow settings )
Create/edit patterns "Pattern setting" permission → ◯ view / edit "Schedule Management" permission → ◯View/Edit
Browse the "Pattern Settings" screen "Pattern setting" permission → △ View only or more Disable

* If the "schedule management" authority is limited to some divisions (employee type), the behavior will be as follows.

  • When creating a new pattern: The divisions (employee type) with authority is set in the "Division that will be applied" item of the pattern to be created.
  • When editing: You can only edit patterns that have an authorized divisions (employee type), in the "Division that will be applied" item.


Supplement: What is the “Division that will be applied” item?
Settings > Pattern settings > [Edit] of target pattern > Expand [Details] of basic information category > Division that will be applied, Applied employee type.

If you set some division or employee type in the above items, the pattern will be available only to employees of that division or employee type.

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Operations related to leave

operate Basic Privilege Category Division/Employee type authorization category
View the "Leave Management" screen Disable Either "employee setting" authority or "Actual results / time record" authority → △ view only or more
Grant leave balance Disable "Employee setting" permission → ◯ view / edit
Operate the "Eligible for paid leave" screen※1 Disable "Employee setting" permission → ◯ view / edit
Registering vacation dates (schedule registration)※2 Disable "Schedule Management" permission → ◯view/edit
Approve a leave request (schedule approval)※2 Not required ( Register as an approver in the application approval flow settings )


*1…Even if you set the “Employee setting” authority to “△view only”, you cannot view the “Persons eligible for paid leave” screen. It must be "◯ View/Edit".

*2…For vacations that are set to be displayed, it may not be possible to register the date of vacation acquisition or approve the application (see here for details ).

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Operations related to export

operate Basic Privilege Category Division/Employee type authorization category
Output various data Disable "Output data" authority → ◯ Allow
Output application approval flow data "Option" permission → ◯ view / edit Disable
Create output layout "Option" permission → ◯ view / edit Disable

* Excludes administrator data output and application approval flow data output.


Administrator data output is an operation that can only be performed by an authorized administrator.


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Operations related to import

operate Basic Privilege Category Division/Employee type authorization category
Register division and time record settings by importing "Division/Time Recorder settings" authority → ◯ view/edit Disable
Creating a layout when importing division and time record settings Both "Option" authority and "Division/Time Recorder settings" authority → ◯ View / Edit※1 Disable
Register employees by import Disable "Employee setting" authority for all division/ employee type→ ◯ view / edit
Create a layout when importing employees "Option" permission → ◯ view / edit※1 "Employee setting" authority for all division/ employee type→ ◯ view / edit※1
Register a schedule by importing Disable "Schedule Management" permission → ◯View/Edit
Create a layout when importing a schedule "Option" permission → ◯ view / edit※1 "Schedule Management" authority for all division/ employee type→ ◯ view / edit → ◯View/Edit *1
Register stamped data by importing Disable "Actual result/Time record " authority for all division/ employee type → ◯View/Edit
Register holidays by import※2 "Option" permission → ◯ view / edit "Schedule management" authority for all division/ employee type → ◯ view / edit
Register automatic schedule for each employee by importing※3 Disable "Schedule management" authority for all division/ employee type → ◯ view / edit


*1: Input layouts cannot be viewed even with the "△view only" authority. It must be "◯ View/Edit".

*2: With the same authority, it is also possible to import schedule data and automatic schedules for each employee.

*3: With the same authority, you can also import schedule data.


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View Actions That Require Action

operate Basic Privilege Category Division/Employee type authorization category
clock error work Disable "Actual result/Time record " authority → △ More than view only
No stamping / With schedule Disable "Actual result/Time record " authority → △ More than viewing only
Stamped / No schedule Disable "Actual result/Time record " authority → △ More than view only
various applications Not required ( Register as an approver in the application approval flow settings )
Those who have leave and pay Disable "Employee setting" permission → ◯ view / edit
Insufficient vacation balance Disable "Actual result/Time record " authority → △ More than view only
Work style reform (mandatory to take 5 days off per year / upper limit on overtime work) Disable "Achievements/Casting" authority → △ More than view only
Transformational labor in units of one year Disable "Actual result/Time record " authority → △ More than view only
On-the-job field service Disable "Employee setting" authority → △ view only or more


What is "attention that requires action"?
This is the alert column displayed on the upper left of the management screen home.
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