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How do you change the first Master administrator?

* This content is a guide to direct sales customers. If you have a contract with a dealer, please contact the sales representative of the dealer.


This section describes the procedure for changing the registration information of the "admin" master administrator.


Assumption: What is a master administrator?

There is always only one administrator who has existed since the account was issued. It is displayed at the top (No. 1) in the list of plenipotentiary managers. The login ID is "company code (3 to 6 alphanumericals) + 1admin".
Click here for details on master administrators and other administrators。



When changing the person in charge of inquiries, please be sure to request the change of master administrator from the inquiry form on the upper right of the online help.


please note
We will only accept rewriting of registration information based on the contents described in the form. We cannot respond to requests such as "I want you to replace the No. 2 or lower master administrator with the No. 1 master administrator."


1. Open the inquiry form and enter the following.

  • Inquiry target: Select "Inquiries regarding contract details and billing"
  • Details: Select "Change company information / master administrator"
  • [KING OF TIME Attendance Management] Master Administrator Login ID: Enter Mastesr Administrator Login ID
    * "Company code (3 to 6 alphanumerical characters) + 1admin" is the login ID of the admin plenipotentiary administrator.



2. If you select as above, the items "master administrator name change" and "email address change" will be displayed. Check the items you want to change and enter the following.

  • master administrator name: changed master administrator name
  • Change email address: Change email address
・ Spare email address
Input is not required. If you need to register or change, please enter it. If you want to delete the registered backup email address, please enter "Delete".
* The backup email address will be used for application notifications from employees. No invoice notification email will be sent.

·Contents of inquiry
Input is required. admin Please enter any supplements regarding changes to the master administrator. If there is no special supplement, enter "Nothing in particular". Since the system automatically processes it, we cannot answer questions other than changing the master administrator.



3. Check the changes and click [Send] at the bottom of the inquiry form.


In consideration of security, a notification email will be sent to the email address before the change when the change is made.


Please note

Information leakage may occur if the following two points are applicable.

  • Multiple KING OF TIME accounts are managed, and the same e-mail address is registered for each master administrator (the e-mail addresses of professionals and dealers are registered).
  • master admin login information is shared with customers


The same e-mail address of the person in charge of professionals is registered as the master manager of the KING OF TIME account of "Company A" and "Company B". Login information is shared with each customer of "Company A" and "Company B".

When a customer of "Company A" accesses the online help from the "Help" button on the KING OF TIME management screen and confirms the inquiry content from My Activity, he / she can see the inquiry content of company B who has registered the same e-mail address. It ends up.


If the account with the same e-mail address is not a subsidiary or affiliated company, there is a risk of information leakage, so please change the information of the admin plenipotentiary administrator.

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