What is "leave type setting"?

"Leave type setting" is a screen for creating types (paid leave, holidays, summer vacation, etc.) for managing leaves.



The leave segment is used as follows:

1. Definition of available vacations

2. Assignment to schedule

3. Calculation of the number of leaves taken


Set the leaves for which the number of acquisitions needs to be aggregated. By default, "paid leave", "paid leave", "absence", etc. are registered, so add them from [+ New registration] if necessary.
Example) "Transfer holiday", "Summer vacation", "Keisei vacation", etc.


The leave type are displayed in the order of registration .
When using the leave acquisition method "Use leave type"
Work data editing and schedule application screen > "Leave type" item > The display order in "Type" is also the registration order.
You cannot change it later.


About each item

I will explain the items in the screen opened by clicking [+ New registration] from Settings > Schedule > Leave type settings.


1. Name

Set the name of the leave.


2. Half a day off

Set whether to use half-holiday for the target leave. When "Use" is selected You can use half-day leave such as "AM half-day" and "PM half-day".


3. How to calculate the number of leaves by taking leaves

Set whether to "subtract the remaining days" or "add the number of days taken" when the employee takes leave.

Click here for details on "subtraction" and "addition"


4. Grant of holidays or application for holidays * 1

If the leave type being set is for "transfer holidays", the method of acquiring transfer holidays will change depending on whether addition or subtraction is selected in "Calculation method of the number of leaves by taking leaves".


5. Negative number permission

If the number of days left on vacation is negative, we will restrict you from applying for or registering the relevant vacation.
* "Calculation method of the number of vacations by taking vacations" is displayed at the time of subtraction.


6. Validity period

Set the validity period allocated when granting leave. By default, "3 years" is set. You cannot register if it is blank.

* "Calculation method of the number of leaves by taking leavs" is displayed at the time of subtraction.


7. Expiration date of granted leave

If checked, the expiration date of the corresponding vacation can be edited later on the "Leave Details" screen.

* "Calculation method of the number of leaves by taking leavs" is displayed at the time of subtraction.


8. Hourly leave

Sets whether to use hourly leave for the vacation in question. If you select "Apply" leave, you will be able to take leave on an hourly basis.

For subtractive leave, you can also choose the option "Use (up to 1-5 days)". You can limit how many days of paid leave you can take as hourly leave in a year. You can check the remaining time that can be obtained in one year from the vacation details screen.

* If you change from "Use" or "Use (up to 1 to 5 days)" to "Do not use", you need to delete the past hourly leave acquisition data.


9. Handling of contracted working hours on days less than one hour

If the minute unit is set in the "contracted working hours of the day" set in the employee type / employee setting, set whether to round up the minute unit to the hour unit in the calculation of the remaining leave. I can do it.

Please note
Paid leave must be rounded up to the hour according to the Labor Standards Law. Therefore, the vacation category "paid leave" cannot be changed from the default setting "rounded up".


■ When rounding up
7 hours 30 minutes (contracted working hours per day) x 10 days (number of days granted)
= 8 hours (rounded up to the nearest hour) x 10 days
= 80 hours

■ When not rounding up
7 hours 30 minutes (contracted working hours per day) x 10 days (number of days granted)
= 75 hours


10. Leave display color * 1

When you take leaves, you can set the background color and text color of the "schedule column" of the time card.


11. File upload when applying for leaves

Set whether to attach an image such as a medical certificate or a PDF file when applying for leave. If it is "required", you cannot apply without attaching the file. The maximum file size is 8MB.


12. Forced setting of working day type for all-day leave * 1

The work day type set here is forcibly assigned when "All day leave" is selected in "Acquisition unit". Please select either "Weekday", "Legal holiday" or "Non-legal holiday".


13. Forcibly cancel the time slot categories for all-day leave * 2

If you select "All-day leave" in "Acquisition unit", you can set whether to forcibly remove the time slot category registered on the same day.


14. Schedule application for leave type only * 1

When applying for a leave, you can set whether you can apply only for the "leave type" or you need to enter a schedule.


15. Calculation of working hours without leave * 1

When you take a leave, you can set whether to record the deemed working hours.


* 1 ・ ・ ・ This item is displayed when using the vacation acquisition method "Use leave type". Click here for how to check how to take leave .


* 2 : This item is displayed when the leave acquisition method "Use leave type" is used and the time slot category setting function is used.

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